Step 1: Determine interest
Interested in pursuing an additional degree? Concurrent degrees, sometimes called “double majors,” allow students to earn two distinct degrees and receive two diplomas, while pursuing their unique personal or professional interests.
Step 2: Review the concurrent degree policies
While there are many degree combinations for you to choose from to meet your academic goals, there are some college policies that might affect when you can add another major or which majors can be paired together. View the specific policies of your college, and the college of the major you’d like to add, here.
All requirements for both degrees must be satisfied before either degree can be conferred.
Both your current major and your requested concurrent major must approve your request. Pursuing multiple degrees could result in additional time to graduate which could affect cost and financial aid.
Only active degree-seeking undergraduate students can request to add a concurrent major. Please be advised that requests may be denied if you have less than 30 completed credit hours.