Student employment

Student jobs are more than just a paycheck.

You may need to work in order to meet educational and living expenses or you feel the experience could be a valuable part of your education. The skills you obtain from working complement your academic performance and communicate to future employers your ability to succeed in a professional setting.

Studies have shown that students who work do just as well or better academically than non-working students and grades improve as students work more hours per week (up to 20). In addition, working students are more likely to complete a degree program than non-workers.

Search for Student Jobs

Student jobs podcast

Planning to work during college? Emily and Ben were two of the 11,000 students who work for ASU and you can be too. Find out what their work experience at ASU has been like, and hear what they say is the best part about working for ASU.

More information about student jobs

  • Additional financial resources.
  • Acquire valuable work experience for your résumé.
  • Reduce necessity for student loans.
  • Opportunity for networking with professionals.
  • Opportunity to sample different career choices.
  • Valuable and practical career-related experiences.
  • Exposure to the world of work.
  • Opportunity to enhance fundamental work skills.
  • Develop a sense of community and involvement with ASU.

Community service federal work-study (FWS) jobs are designed to engage a student in improving the quality of life for community residents, particularly low-income individuals, or to address issues such as: literacy training, social services, housing, neighborhood improvement, public safety, recreation, at-risk youth and community improvement. Find these rewarding positions by clicking on the advanced option and entering "Community Service FWS" in the Job Description text field when searching for jobs.

Writing your Resume | Strengthen your Interviewing Skills

Remember, the job application is your first opportunity to make a good impression with a potential employer.

  • The application provides the employer with specific information in a designated order. Never write "see resume" in any area of the application.
  • Through the job application, the employer senses attitude, stability and motivation. It also reveals communicative skills. It should never be done illegibly, hastily or incompletely.
  • Print or write neatly, or even better, type the information. Be sure to read the instructions on the application. Statements should be brief and concise.
  • All questions must be answered; all sections must be completed. If it doesn't pertain to you, place a dash or N/A in that space.
  • Know start/stop dates of your employment history, pay rates and your supervisors' name(s).
  • Use action words to describe your responsibilities and accomplishments.
  • It is a good idea to have a "dummy" application with history and references.
  • Reasons for leaving: refrain from any negative statements. You want to present a positive picture of yourself. Use "further my education" or "interesting new job opportunity," etc.
  • Salary: When the definite Pay Rate is unknown, write "open."
  • References: Make sure you have correct addresses and phone numbers. Let your references know you list them and keep them informed.
  • Additional remarks: Do not leave this area blank. Use this space constructively by inserting statements regarding your abilities, skills and reasons why you would be a desirable candidate for the position.
  • If you have extensive experience in community service and volunteering, you may treat it as you would work experience. Keep in mind that this information provides a well-rounded profile of the type of person you are.

Resume, cover letter and interview tips

  • The goal of the resume and cover letter is to attract sufficient attention to create an interview opportunity.
  • The purpose of your interview is to evaluate your qualifications as they relate to specific job functions.

For helpful tips on these and other topics please review the tips on the Career Services Web site.

You should consider your part-time position as an important job that can impact your future work experience. You are now part of the ASU work force and your department depends on you. The following are your responsibilities as a student employee at any ASU campus:

  • To complete a new hire packet within 72 hours, if you have not worked for ASU during the last 12 months, and submit it to the Human Resources department located on your campus.
  • To maintain enrollment necessary for student employment eligibility.
  • To coordinate your work hours with your supervisor according to the department's needs and your own class and study schedule.
  • To perform assigned duties promptly and competently.
  • To be dependable and always report to work on time-excessive tardiness or absenteeism is grounds for disciplinary action.
  • To arrive at the office prepared to work - refrain from studying or conducting personal business (phone/email) on the job.
  • To refrain from having family or friends visit during scheduled work times.
  • To attend all student staff meetings or training sessions unless you have a scheduled class or exam.
  • To not work at your job during times you are scheduled to be in class.
  • To observe policies on confidentiality for all University, department and student records, and information.
  • To schedule your lunch and rest breaks in advance and get your supervisor's approval.
  • To not eat or study during your scheduled shift, unless approved by your supervisor.
  • To maintain appropriate dress and personal grooming.
  • To notify your supervisor in advance if you will be absent from work - frequent absences are a justifiable cause for dismissal.
  • US citizens or eligible non-citizens may not work more than an average of 25 hours a week (or 62.5 percent FTE) over a rolling twelve month period. This maximum applies to the combined total of all jobs, including hours associated with stipends paid for services. Graduate Assistants may work a total of 20 hours per week.
  • To not work more than 20 hours per week during the academic semesters if you are an international student on a visa.
  • To keep an accurate record of hours worked and submit correct payroll information to your supervisor by the stated deadlines.
  • To inform your supervisor of any plans to end employment. The customary notification time period is two weeks.
  • To stop your Hourly employment two weeks after your graduation from ASU, unless you are enrolled for the next semester.
  • To stop your employment on your graduation day as an undergraduate international student.
  • To stop your employment on your defense date, comprehensive exam date or which ever option you have for the completion of your degree program as a graduate international student.
  • To stop your FWS employment on the last day of the spring semester or the day before the fall semester starts according to your FWS Notification specifying the term of your employment period.
  • To stop your FWS employment on the day of your graduation from ASU.

The following rights are available to all student employees.

  • The right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the University – ASU follows equal employment opportunity and affirmative action principles.
  • The right to a safe, clean and professional working environment.
  • The right to know your specific job description including your supervisor's standards and expectations.
  • The right to adequate training in skills and procedures necessary to perform assigned tasks.
  • The right to be informed about your work performance through verbal communication or performance evaluations.
  • The right to use your campus job as a reference for future employers.
  • The right to a grievance procedure for stating concerns related to the job and/ or supervisor (see USI 304-12).
  • The right to file a grievance with the AA/EO Office if you believe you have been sexually harassed or discriminated on the job (see USI 304-03 and USI 304-04).

Student Employment offers a wide range of positions, which require different degrees of skill or experience. The student wage scale starts at $14.35/hour and pay rates should not exceed $50.00/hour. Four wage levels with different pay ranges have been provided below. Federal Work-Study and Hourly employment share the same wage levels and pay ranges. Wage placement must be in relation to the type of duties performed and in consideration of other student worker wage rates in similar jobs.

Students working in states/locations outside of Arizona may require pay rates above the Standard Wage Scale minimum. Please click here to see current State Minimum wage rates. If you have any questions on setting rates in situations like this, please reach out to an ASU Compensation Partner at

Note: Due to Kenexa implementation, we can no longer use Open Range Wage Levels, we must use Standard Wage Scales. Student pay rate amounts must stay within the student wage levels.

Job Code Level Job Level Descriptions FY2025 Student Employment Standard Wage Scale
Effective July 8, 2024
Arizona California District of Columbia
Min Pay Rate Max Pay Rate Min Pay Rate Max Pay Rate Min Pay Rate Max Pay Rate
I Duties are of a routine and simple nature; entry level. Requires direct supervision with relatively specific instructions. Little or no training or experience is required. $14.35 $15.05 $17.28 $18.13 $17.50 $18.36
II Duties are varied and less routine and involve a moderate degree of responsibility and judgment. May lead or coordinate activities of other student employees. Requires previous knowledge or skill and/or equivalent experience or training. $14.75 $16.22 $17.76 $19.55 $17.99 $19.80
III Duties are technical and complex and involve a high degree of responsibility and judgment. May supervise or direct activities of other student employees. A significant amount of specialized training or experience is required. $15.62 $18.62 $18.82 $22.45 $19.06 $22.74
IV Duties are highly technical and/or complex and involve a significant degree of responsibility and judgment. This classification is limited to teaching/research aide type work or those positions requiring highly specialized skills and/or technical knowledge. $17.40 $50.50 $20.98 $61.08 $21.24 $61.87



Please note that many states have local/city minimums that exceed the state level. In Arizona, Flagstaff has a higher minimum than the rest of the state. California has over 30 local/city minimums that exceed the current state minimum of $15.50 per hour. Please see current state and major locality wage minimums.

The Student Wage Scale includes all student hourly positions. It is not applicable for Research/Teaching Assistant, Internship, Fellowship or Mentorship opportunities as those positions are overseen by the Graduate College in accordance with the appropriate recruitment policies and procedures.

Total Hours = N/A
Hours/week ÷ 20
Total Weeks = N/A

Enterprise Technology security training

ASU is committed to preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of University information resources. Our responsibility is in securing the information of students, faculty, and staff. Whether data is on your workstation, phone or tablet - the ASU community, and each of us in it, plays an important role in securely storing, sharing, and protecting electronic information. The course includes necessary information on how to protect both personal and ASU information, back up files, maintain your operating system, respond to incidents, and encrypt laptops, desktops and mobile devices.

To access the course, please visit ASU Information Security Training

The course will take about 22 minutes to complete. It includes a presentation and a quiz. For those of you familiar with this material, you can go directly to the quiz. You must answer 12 of 15 quiz questions correctly to earn credit for the course and you may re-take the quiz if necessary. For questions or comments, please email

Preventing harassment and discrimination training

This program is designed to increase awareness of ASU’s policies regarding anti-harassment, non-discrimination, and non-retaliation. The program is also intended to educate the university community about what constitutes appropriate behavior, and how to properly report concerns about inappropriate behavior. This training, which was developed by the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI) and the Office of General Counsel, is mandatory for all student workers in all academic and administrative units.

To access the course, please visit Preventing harassment and discrimination

  • The self-paced training includes an online module, quiz and resource guide with information and policies to review.
  • You must score 80% or better on the required quiz at the end of the session to receive a certification of completion. You can retake the quiz if you do not receive a score of at least 80%.
  • Your dean or director will be able to track your completion of the training via dashboard and routine reports that will be available for University administrators.
  • Student workers must complete this training within 60 days of their hire date.
  • If you experience any technical difficulty with the training, please call 1-855-278-5080.
  • Questions? Contact

Fire prevention training

To access or select from a range of Environmental Safety training topics, please visit Fire Safety and Prevention

Title IX and your duty to report

To access the course, please visit Title IX and Your Duty to Report

For full-time jobs or ASU career link
Please contact ASU Career Services at 480-965-2350 or by email at

For internships
Please contact ASU Career Services at 480-965-2350 or by email at

For part-time jobs
Please contact Student Employment at 480-965-5186, or use your My ASU Service Center to chat with us or submit a case.


Arizona State University’s Student Employment Office acts only as a referral service, advising individuals of employment opportunities submitted to the office. We make no recommendations or guarantees about the positions or employers listed through our office.

Arizona State University is not responsible for the safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of off-campus employment. Due to the volume of jobs received by the Student Employment Office, we are unable to research the integrity of every position listed. Therefore, students are urged to research positions and employers and conduct due diligence themselves. We encourage you to use common sense and caution when applying for positions, especially when applying for positions off-campus. Do not put yourself in a vulnerable situation. Carefully check any employer you are considering to be sure the job offered is legitimate. Watch the Federal Trade Commission's video on job scams. Arizona State University assumes no responsibility for the positions or employers listed through the Student Employment Office. By using this service, you assume sole and full responsibility for researching and conducting due diligence regarding potential employers as well as any employment you obtain.

  • Use common sense when applying for and engaging in off-campus employment. If a potential employer asks you to participate in an activity that makes you uncomfortable in any way, don't do it.
  • Be wary of 'check cashing scams.' If someone asks you to deposit a check/money order into your personal account and send money to another individual, you should refuse and contact our office immediately.
  • Please be aware that the Student Employment Office will list employment opportunities on this website only. We are unable to prevent other websites from copying our listings and reposting them elsewhere.

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other basis protected by law.