Job posting tutorial

This is a collection of resources for employers of student workers.

Follow these steps to log into the Student Employment Job Administration site with your ASU assigned Employer ID#.

  1. Select "Post Part-time Job" for either ASU or off-campus employment.
  2. Read the information and select the link at the bottom to proceed to the login page.
  3. Once on the login page, enter your ASU assigned Employer ID# and password and click the "Login" button. Instructions are provided for new employers and those who have forgotten their Employer ID# or password.

Follow these steps to register as a new employer.

  1. Enter the Student Employment Job Administration site by following the steps above.
  2. Once on the login page, click on the "Register here!" link.
  3. The following information is required to register with the Student Employment office:
    • Organization: ASU department or company name of the employer. Off-campus employers in a private household should enter "Private Residence".
    • Campus: ASU departments select the appropriate ASU campus and off-campus employers choose "Off Campus". Off-campus Federal Work Study agencies must choose "ASU Tempe".
    • Department: ASU department name if applicable.
    • Contact Name: The name of a contact person is required for our office use only. Contacts will not be shown on the job postings.
    • Address: The street address/location/building/room number of the employer. Off-campus employers in a private household, please provide your street address. Cross streets are no longer acceptable due to recent employment related scams.
    • Phone Numbers: Enter your phone number (required) and fax number (if applicable).
    • E-mail Address (optional): Enter e-mail address for our office use and students to apply.
    • Homepage (optional): Enter your department's/company's web address for students to visit.
    • Password: Enter a personalized password used to log into the Student Employment Job Administration site.
  4. Click the "Register" button.
  5. An ASU assigned Employer ID# will be displayed, which will be used, along with your password, to log into the Student Employment Job Administration site. Keep your Employer ID# and password for future reference.

Follow these steps if you have forgotten your ASU assigned Employer ID# or password and have entered a valid e-mail address with your employer registration. If your employer registration does not have an e-mail address listed, please contact the Student Employment office (

  1. Access the Student Employment Job Administration site
  2. Click on the "Forgot your Employer ID #or Password? Click here." link.
  3. Enter the e-mail address that is listed with your employer registration.
  4. Click the "Retrieve Password" button.
  5. You should receive your Employer ID# and password by e-mail shortly after.

Follow these steps to post a new job to the Student Employment System.

  1. Log into the Student Employment Job Administration site.
  2. Click on the "Post a new job" link.
  3. Fill in the form completely.
  4. Specific field notes:
    • Job Type: On-Campus employers choose the appropriate job type and Off-Campus FWS agencies choose "ASU Work-Study".
    • Title: Enter the actual title of the position; not "Student Worker" .
    • Number of Positions: This information is collected for statistical reasons only. Enter the current number of open positions for this job posting. The number you indicate does not dictate how many students you can hire for this position.
    • Pay Rate: Must be listed as $$ per hour. On-campus employers must pay within the pay range, according to the wage scale, for the level of the job. ASU departments wishing to pay more than the maximum of the wage scale must enter the pay rate here and also e-mail the Student Employment office ( with a reference to the Job# (assigned in step 6) a justification for the desired pay rate (see also: ASU Student Employment Job Level Descriptions and Wage Scale). Off-campus employers must pay at least minimum wage, except for tipped positions.
    • Specific Hours: List any specific work schedule required for the position. Enter "TBA" if no specific work schedule has been decided on.
    • Location: On Campus employers choose the appropriate ASU campus. Off-Campus employers select a Valley location.
    • Level: On Campus employers and Off-Campus FWS agencies must select the correct wage level according to the ASU Student Employment Job Level Descriptions and Wage Scale.
    • Deadline Date: Optional deadline date for applicants.
    • How to Respond: Enter the instructions for students to contact you. Some common values for this field are:
      • Call for appointment
      • Fax resume
      • Apply in person
      • Send e-mail
    • Include Phone #: Includes the phone number from your employer registration on the job posting.
    • Include Fax #: Includes the fax number from your employer registration on the job posting.
    • Include E-mail: Includes the e-mail address from your employer registration on the job posting.
  5. Click the "Submit Job Posting" button. Please click the button only once. Clicking more than once will create duplicate jobs.
  6. Your job posting will be assigned a permanent Job#. Keep this Job# safe, it is used when hiring a student employee for this position as well as updating, reposting and closing your job.

Note: All job postings will be reviewed by the Student Employment office. Pending job postings will be made available on the Student Employment System within 48 hours and will remain active until closed by the on-campus employer. Off-campus jobs will remain active for 30 days unless closed earlier by the employer.

Follow these steps to make changes to an open job posting.

  1. Log into the Student Employment Job Administration site.
  2. Click on the "Update/Repost an old job" link.
  3. Click on the Job# of the job you would like to edit.
  4. Make any necessary changes to the job fields.
  5. Click the "Update Job" button.

Note: All job postings will be reviewed by the Student Employment office. Pending job postings will be made available on the Student Employment System within 48 hours and will remain active until closed by the on-campus employer. Off-campus jobs will remain active for 30 days unless closed earlier by the employer.

Follow these steps to repost a job that has been closed.

  1. Log into the Student Employment Job Administration site.
  2. Click on the "Update/Repost an old job" link.
  3. Click on the Job# of the job you would like to repost.
  4. Make any necessary changes to the job fields.
  5. Click the "Repost Job" button.

Note: All job postings will be reviewed by the Student Employment office. Pending job postings will be made available on the Student Employment System within 48 hours and will remain active until closed by the on-campus employer. Off-campus jobs will remain active for 30 days unless closed earlier by the employer.

Follow these steps to close a job posting. Closed jobs can no longer be accessed by students through the Student Employment System but are available for employers to repost at a later date.

  1. Log into the Student Employment Job Administration site.
  2. Click on the "Update/Repost an old job" link.
  3. Click on the Job# of the job you would like to close.
  4. Click the "Close Job" button.

Follow these steps to hire a student employee (depending on the type of employment).

On-Campus Employment (FWS and Hourly Programs)

  1. Submit a Personnel Transaction Request (PTR) in PeopleSoft.  

Off-Campus Employment (FWS Program Only)

  1. Complete a Hiring Authorization Form.
  2. Instruct your newly-hired student employee to hand deliver the Hiring Authorization Form to the Student Employment office. The student should call ahead to make sure that we are available and bring a Social Security card, Birth Certificate or Passport if s/he has not worked for ASU during the last 12 months.

Off-Campus Employment (Hourly Program Only)

  1. All terms of employment are strictly between you and the student employee.
  2. In order to meet our program's documentation and funding requirements, employers are required to respond to our 30-day follow up notice and supply our office with the name and ASU ID# of any student hired.